It might be challenging to select the best post-cycle treatment (PCT) products. For those who are unfamiliar with steroids, you could be questioning why. The answer is that different steroids bring various difficulties, and that, in addition, the length of a cycle might affect the PCT medication to be used.
We must comprehend the need for PCT medications to fully appreciate their significance. Because steroids either are or simulate testosterone, the bodybuilding community that uses them can benefit from PCT medications. These hormones are transformed by enzymes to oestrogen when the male body has too much testosterone. Water retention and gynecomastia are just a couple of the unattractive side effects that excessive oestrogen from steroid misuse may have on males. Several people take anti-estrogenic medications to stop this, both during cycles and PCT.

Anti-Aromatase Drugs
Aromatase inhibitors (AI), commonly referred to as suicide inhibitors, are one class of PCT medication. These medicines function by permanently attaching to the enzyme that transposes testosterone into oestrogen. The drawback of AIs is that they are a bit too effective; while the body benefits from some oestrogen, prolonged usage of AIs can be harmful to one’s health.
Choose Your Estrogen Receptor Modulators
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators are another class of PCT medications that, as the name implies, inhibit oestrogen receptors in certain body regions. It was once ineffectively used to treat female infertility, but it is now clinically used to treat female breast cancer and even as a prophylactic measure for individuals who are at high risk of acquiring it. SERMs are well-liked in the bodybuilding world as a good technique to avoid the negative consequences of excessive oestrogen while preserving the favourable aspects because it does not stop the synthesis of oestrogen. The disadvantage of SERMs is that they are taxing on the liver and some of them might lead to hormonal imbalance if used even briefly.
PCT anti-estrogens
Anti-estrogens are not particularly helpful for strong steroid users, which may surprise many steroid veterans. They are employed to fight high levels of oestrogen, which are brought on by too much testosterone, which then aromatizes into oestrogen. Therefore, they are beneficial during a cycle. Nevertheless, when a person quits using steroids, their testosterone levels will likely drop well below normal, which will produce minimal extra oestrogen. To counter this, proponents of anti-estrogens frequently reference research showing that anti-estrogens increased luteinizing hormone (LH), a hormone that boosts the synthesis of testosterone. This only applies to males who are not using steroids, though. For people who are heavily using steroids, the LH has no impact since drugs desensitise the testicles.
hGC Treatment
On the other hand, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) does have an impact. The fact that we can inject far more HCG than our bodies generate LH allows us to shock the testes back into action even if it is only mimicking LH. Nevertheless, the negative is that HCG has the potential to desensitise the body’s own LH production and lead to long-term hormonal imbalance. Because of this, it’s crucial to provide HCG briefly and sensibly (16 days, ideally).
Cortisol regulators
Cortisol controllers are another item to take into account. The stress hormone cortisol is likewise capable of wreaking havoc on the body and all its parts. It is particularly tough on muscles since it will swiftly turn them into energy rather than fat. One’s hormones will be out of balance while getting off steroids, which might allow cortisol to grow and hasten the loss of any gains obtained. A four-week run of a cortisol controller should be adequate for PCT purposes to stop this.