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Oxy 50
Strength 45%
Muscle Gain 45%
Fat/Water Loss 40%
Side Effects 15%
Keep Gains 45%
Potency: 50 mg /tablet
Dosage: 25mg ā€“ 50mg/day
Appearance: rounded red tablet with centre split
Quantity: 100 Tablets

Lab Test : Download


Buy Oxymetholone Tablets 50 mg by Adelphi Research

Why Buy Tablets 50 mg

Oxymetholone 50 is probably the most established type of steroid by and by out there. Weight lifters love it for its astonishing advantages. The greater part of us knows this steroid by the name Dianabol. It is incredible at supporting muscles, offering strength, and further developing your perseverance. This implies the time you will spend in the rec centre preparing hard will reimburse. In half a month, you will begin seeing the outcomes incredibly. It is likewise extraordinary for separating the fat, which will, thus, make your body look more slender and fit.

Oxymetholone 50 is a DHT-determined steroid, which implies it will give you bulk and strong strength yet without the incidental effects, different steroids get. It is probably the most secure steroid you can take, making it ideal for weight training. Anadrol is likewise extraordinary for further developing your perseverance, assisting you with preparing harder and longer. There are numerous different advantages, which you will find out about in the accompanying passages.

Buy Oxymetholone Tablets 50 mg by Adelphi Research
Oxymetholone Tablets 50 mg


Oxymetholone was discovered 1959 in the USA, and came into the market in 1961 for medical use. Initially, this Oxymetholone steroid was clinically used for Anemia and Osteoporosis.

After a while, however, doctors discovered that Oxymetholone was too strong and caused too many side effects on the patients. Therefore, the school of medicine ceased prescribing the drug.


The quantity of red blood cells in the blood is known to be significantly increased by this anabolic steroid. More oxygen may now go through the body, fuelling the muscles’ cells. The muscles will have adequate fuel to operate harder after these muscle cells consume more oxygen and nutrients. They will thus grow more effective and strong.

When carrying large weights or engaging in rigorous exercise, androgenic is also beneficial in protecting the joints.

Users of androlics might anticipate a rise in their muscle mass. The diet that is followed will have an impact, though. On a rigorous diet, a person may expect to put on 10 pounds of weight in a few days. This substance enables a rapid gain in weight and bulk.

Dosage of Oxymetholone Tablets 50 mg

It has been seen on some websites and online forums people use a high dosage of Oxymetholone, which can be injurious to health. So how much should a person take when you are in your off-season, bulking season or in your diet?

    • Heavy bodybuilders: no more than 50-100mg.
    • Amateur bodybuilders: 150-200mg/day.
    • Beginners: 50-100mg/day.

Most professional bodybuilders generally use 300mg or more, BUT it is vital to understand these guys are genetic freaks; their bodies can handle the high dosages. They can live with it, and they earn money with the sport, so itā€™s a risk they can and are willing to take.

Why Oxymetholone Tablets 50 mg per tablet?

When compared to Methandienone or Stanozolol, which come in 5-10mg/tablet, the high dosage of Oxymetholone (50mg/tablet) is difficult to go unnoticed.

The reason for this is because of Oxymetholoneā€™s very low affinity, it is difficult for the steroid to dock on the bodyā€™s receptors; unlike Methandienone or Stanozolol (Stanozolol has the ability of docking on steroids more than 905).

Generally, the body can easily absorb steroids, but not with Oxymetholone. This is why a high amount is required in the bloodstream.

After using Oxymetholone Tablets 50 mg

Negative Effects ā€“ Athletes experience high blood pressure, headaches, stomach pain, ill-being, and feverish. Oxymetholone is also highly related to liver cancer.

Positive Effect ā€“ Most commonly gives consumers a tremendous pump. Many athletes have often expressed their inability to complete their workout session on some days due to the overwhelming pump they feel in their muscles.

Why? Because Oxymetholone increases hematocrit and haemoglobin, which increases oxygen levels dramatically, which results in the extreme pump experience during the workout. Oxymetholone can retain water, therefore powerlifters, weightlifters and bodybuilders with joint and tendon problems tend to gravitate towards this product as it fills up your joints with water, thus resulting in a pain-free training session.

Due to the high androgenic compound in Oxymetholone, which helps regenerate the physical condition, athletes are often heard reporting that after a two-hour training session, they can go down for another session after a short recuperation.

Who can use it?

Oxymetholone is not a steroid for beginners. Beginners who have never used steroids prior, stay away from Oxymetholone as it will cause too many side effects. This steroid is also strictly not for women due to its very strong androgenic compound which is simply not functional for women.

Oxymetholone 50 is a steroid produced using the DHT chemical. The steroid is utilized by jocks and competitors for building muscles and further developing their exhibition. It is additionally successful for building up, which is the reason it is frequently utilized by competitors just as jocks. Oxymetholone works in the body by expanding protein combination, which implies it will construct a protein hold in the body. The more protein, the greater and more grounded the muscles will be.

How to Use Oxy 50

Seasoned bodybuilders often use Oxymetholone when they go on their bulking cycle, eating as many calories as possible, including junk food to make sure the body gets enough nutrients. Nevertheless, this does not work with Oxymetholone because the more junk food is consumed, the more side effects are experienced.

Therefore, when using Oxymetholone, make sure to eat clean (moderate to low fat with moderate carbohydrate intake) to help keep side effects at bay.

It is also highly recommended to use an estrogen blocker (Letrozole, Tamoxifen, or Nolvadex) as it can also help eliminate side effects of the very strong Anadrol-50 by Meditech Pharmaceutical, which is a clean, strong steroid of high pharmaceutical grade.

Oxymetholone is generally still a steroid often used in bodybuilding, powerlifting and weightlifting. This product gives athletes a great amount of strength, and is especially suitable for those competing in the heavyweight category and has little concern about weight increase.

One of the highlights of this product is that it makes you train hard with increased strength and stay injury-free due to the water retention caused by the estrogen, which lubricates your body and joints. Oxymetholone also gives the ability to recover faster compared to any other steroids due to its strong androgenic compound.



Keep this medication away from heat, moisture, and light at temperatures ranging from 68Ā°F to 77Ā°F (20Ā°C to 25Ā°C). Keep all drugs out of the reach of youngsters. Throw away any unused medicine beyond the expiration date. Do not flush or pour unused medications down the sink or drain.

Buy Oxymetholone Tablets 50 mg from Home ā€“ Steroids World.


Active half-life

( 8.5 DAYS )



( 300-500MG / WEEKLY )



( YES )



( YES )



( YES )



( YES )



( YES )


Detection time in body

( 40 DAYS )

Useful links

How to use Anadrol (Oxymetholone) to increase muscle mass?

Anadrol Bodybuilding: The Fastest Working Steroid

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