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Test Cypionate
Strength 35%
Muscle Gain 80%
Fat/Water Loss 25%
Side Effects 40%
Keep Gains 40%

Potency: 200 mg / 1ml
Dosage: 200 mg – 800 mg/week
Appearance: Oil based solution


Buy Testosterone Cypionate 200mg online by ADELPHI RESEARCH LABORATORIES

Why buy Testosterone Cypionate 200mg online

As Testosterone cypionate aromatizes readily, oestrogen accumulation and adverse effects can be a concern for users who are sensitive to these issues or who want to use a large dose of this substance. As a result, while taking T cypionate, bodybuilders frequently prefer to combine it with an anti-estrogen such as Anastrozole, Proviron, or Tamoxifen to assist reduce estrogen-related negative effects. Stronger anti-estrogens, such as Letrozole or Exemestane, maybe better

appropriate for extremely sensitive users or individuals taking very high dosages. While using T cypionate, you may have androgenic side effects such as greasy skin.

If you have a prescription, you may purchase Testosterone Cypionate, but not in the United States. There is a large demand for this compound, and the majority of individuals purchase it on the black market. The prices offered by the underground laboratories are quite competitive, so it shouldn’t be difficult to get a good deal. Verify the provider and their reputation before buying anything from them because some of them sell fake goods.

To ensure that the amount of the substance in each vial is accurate, check the dosage as well. The danger of output that has expired or is tainted must also be considered by the customer. Any time you buy an anabolic steroid, take your time to discover the best vendor.

You are responsible for learning about the regulations governing the use and ownership of testosterone cypionate. It is prohibited in many nations, and the consequences can be severe. The restrictions are less strict in other places.

History of Testosterone cypionate:

Testosterone cypionate is an oil-soluble 17 (beta)-cyclopentylpropionate ester that is a synthetic derivative of testosterone. It has a slower rate of release after injection and a longer half-life than other testosterone derivatives. Because the properties of testosterone cypionate and testosterone enanthate are so similar, they are frequently used interchangeably.

Chemical Formula:


Indication of Testosterone cypionate:

In males who have a deficiency or absence of endogenous testosterone, testosterone cypionate is utilized to treat their symptoms. 1) primary hypogonadism, which is described as a testicular failure caused by cryptorchidism, bilateral torsion, orchitis, vanishing testis syndrome, or orchidectomy.

Mechanism of action:

Male patients may experience feminization as a result of prolonged testosterone therapy, which is thought to be produced by the reduction of gonadotropin secretion and the conversion of androgens to estrogens. Prolonged testosterone therapy can cause feminization in male patients, which is thought to be caused by a decrease in gonadotropin output and the conversion of androgens to estrogens. The T-receptor or DHT-receptor complex undergoes a structural alteration that permits it to enter the cell nucleus and attach to certain chromosomal DNA nucleotide sequences. Hormone response elements (HREs) are areas of binding that impact the transcriptional activity of specific genes, resulting in androgen effects.

Whatever your motivations may be for using Testosterone Cypionate, it can help you perform better all around. Additionally, it increases endurance and hastens the healing process. So that you won’t be as exhausted, your body needs to recuperate faster. This makes it possible for you to exercise longer and with greater difficulty. This testosterone supplement has the potential to significantly improve overall performance.

How to use Testosterone cypionate:

Your dosage is determined by your age and medical condition. Your doctor will determine the appropriate dosage for you depending on your specific needs. In typically, 50–400 mg is injected every 2–4 weeks into your muscle. Based on your testosterone blood levels, treatment response, and side effects, your doctor may alter your dosage.

The male athlete’s estimations of Cypionat would ordinarily be in 400-1200 mg every week reach and the cycling term would be from 8-20 weeks, unexpected clearly upon the goals of the contender. Women typically see useful results from measurements of 50-100 mg every week.

One injection each week is frequently sufficient for any athlete to experience benefits in a short amount of time when it comes to performance enhancement. However, many athletes choose to divide their dosage into two weekly injections. If they are monitoring a larger dose, it helps them maintain stable blood levels and lowers the chance of negative effects. Every steroid carries a risk of adverse effects that increases with dosage. The weekly dosage for performance improvement might vary from two hundred to one thousand milligrams.

The majority of Testosterone Cypionate users believe the steroid to be user-friendly and easy to handle. Regarding how long you may use an anabolic steroid in a cycle, it is among the finest. That period might last anywhere between 12 and 16 weeks. You may use this knowledge to develop your strategy and accomplish your objectives. Additionally, it is crucial to have a post-cycle treatment plan in place.

You need a strategy to restore your testosterone production when the Testosterone Cypionate has left your body. If you have been shocking the body with your steroid stack, it will begin to generate it naturally once again. However, you will need extra goods to assist you to get your testosterone back up if you have a root cause for it.

Test Enanthate/Cyap

Test Cyap

Side effects:

The following are some of the more prevalent testosterone cypionate adverse effects:

    • acne
    • pain and swelling at the injection site
    • hair growth
    • gynecomastia
    • headache
    • decrease in sperm count


Keep this drug away from heat, moisture, and light at 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C). Keep any medications out of children’s reach. After the expiration date, throw away any unused medicine. Do not dump or spill unused drugs down the sink or drain.

Buy Testosterone Cypionate 200mg online from Home – Steroids World


Active half-life

( 8.5 DAYS )



( 300-500MG / WEEKLY )



( YES )



( YES )



( YES )



( YES )



( YES )


Detection time in body

( 40 DAYS )

Test Cypionate
Strength 35%
Muscle Gain 80%
Fat/Water Loss 25%
Side Effects 40%
Keep Gains 40%

Potency: 200 mg / 1ml
Dosage: 200 mg – 800 mg/week
Appearance: Oil based solution

Buy Testosterone Cypionate 200mg online from Home – Steroids World

External Links

Testosterone Cypionate: Everything a Bodybuilder Needs

Testosterone Cypionate Cycle Guide – Steroid Cycles

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