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Testex-C 200 Mg/ Ml 

Green Label 
Testosterone Cyopionate 200 Mg/ml


Testosterone-E C200 200 Mg/ Ml by PHARMAQO LABS

Testex-C 200 Mg/ Ml 

Testosterone Cyopionate 200 Mg/ml

Product Name


Why buy TESTEX C 200

testosterone aromatizes adequately and as needed be estrogen advancement and delayed consequences can transform into an issue for customers fragile to these issues or those choosing to use a high part of this compound. Along these lines, while using Testosterone, muscle heads now and again pick in solidifying a foe of estrogen, for instance, Anastrozole, Proviron, Tamoxifen to help with

Testex-C 200 Mg/ Ml minimizing estrogen-related coincidental impacts. Unimaginably fragile customers or customers using amazingly high divides may track down that more grounded adversaries of estrogens, for instance, Letrozole or Exemestane are more proper. Androgenic eventual outcomes, for instance, smooth skin are moreover possible while taking testosterone. Women athletes routinely use testosterone to create mass, even though the estimations are not however much what folks would utilize due to the shot at masculizing optional impacts.

IGF-1, an anabolic hormone, is present in muscle tissue. These levels can be raised with testosterone cypionate, which enhances the anabolic action. Both the number of satellite cells and their level of activity will rise. When muscles are injured, these cells restore them, and growth occurs throughout the healing phase.

The androgen receptor is bound by all forms of testosterone, including Testosterone Cypionate. Both fat reduction and muscular growth are encouraged by this. The size and form of the muscle fibres might alter as a result. The strength you have built via nutrition and exercise will be protected by the androgens. To aid in endurance, testosterone cypionate will also boost the number of red blood cells.

Testex-C 200 Mg/ Ml
Testex-C 200 Mg/ Ml

Chemical Name


Usage of TESTEX C 200

TESTEX C 200 has the chemical formula testosterone cypionate.

Testosterone cypionate inhibits fat absorption and storage while increasing the number of fat-burning beta-adrenergic receptors. Low testosterone levels in men can cause mood swings, poor focus, erectile dysfunction (difficulty obtaining or maintaining an erection), and decreased sexual drive. It can also lead to decreased penile and testicular development, gynecomastia (breast enlargement), loss of body hair and muscular mass, anaemia, and osteoporosis.

Dosage of TESTEX C 200

For a 12-week cycle, the typical testosterone cypionate dose for beginners is 400 to 500 mg. Three times each week, you will inject testosterone cypionate.

For people who have previously used testosterone cypionate, the dosage can be raised to 600 or 700 mg for a 12-week cycle. The only time you’d use less, say, a testosterone cypionate 200mg dosage, is when stacking it with other anabolic substances like Winstrol and Human Growth Hormone (HGH).

The infusions ought to be done one time each week. Infusions can be made less ordinary as a result of the steroid’s activity time; however, this won’t decrease the dynamic specialist’s steady high fixation. Measurements suggested: 250-500 mg. Expanding the portion to 800 mg won’t increase the anabolic impacts, yet will prompt unfavourable responses. The week after week measurements can be separated into two confirmations made on various non-weekend days. The length of the cycle is 5 a month and a half.


A solitary pattern of testosterone cypionate is very intense, which is the reason beginners ought not to blend it in with other anabolic and androgenic items. The accompanying varieties are utilized by proficient competitors:

Cypionate and Parabolan. Parabolan doesn’t will quite often aromatise, so adding it to the cycle will assist with limiting the dangers of creating gynecomastia.

Cypionate and nandrolone. 200 mg of nandrolone each week and 200 mg of testosterone cypionate each week. Tamoxifen ought not to be utilized for PCT after this consolidated cycle. It must be supplanted with Clomid.

Cypionate and Winstrol. This combo takes into account limited mishaps and better slender muscle. PCT is significant for reestablishing the working of the body after delayed cycles, utilizing antiestrogens and sports enhancements like testosterone sponsors, proteins and others.

Test Enanthate/Cyap


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Benefits of TESTEX C 200

Brain: Enhances intellect, memory, sex desire, and has an effect on emotions.

Increases blood flow and cardiac output in the heart.

Bone: Promotes red blood cell formation and bone development while also maintaining bone density.

Male Sex Organs: Promotes penile development and erectile function, as well as sperm production and viability.

Skin: Promotes collagen formation and hair growth.

Kidneys: Produces erythropoietin (EPO), which promotes the formation of red blood cells.

Side effects of TESTEX C 200

    • A heart attack occurred. Among the symptoms are:
    • Shortness of breath due to chest discomfort
    • upper-body discomfort
    • Stroke. Among the symptoms are:
    • a lack of strength in one section or side of your body
    • speech that is slurred
    • Your prostate gland is enlarging. Among the symptoms are:
    • Urination is required often or urgently.
    • nocturia is a condition that occurs at night (need to urinate more often at night)
    • Having difficulty beginning urinating
    • a feeble urine stream or a stream that comes and goes
    • dribbling towards the conclusion of urinating
    • urinating while straining

Unfavourable responses from the utilization of the injectable steroid are indeed androgenic, confirmed by the quick change of the substance into the dynamic type of dihydrotestosterone. A medication cycle can prompt hypertension, unreasonable hair development (body and beard growth), balding, sleek skin, skin inflammation. Antiestrogens are utilized to repress the creation of estrogen. For instance, 10 mg of tamoxifen each day starting at the cycle’s subsequent week and as long as about fourteen days after fruition of the infusion cycle.

Nonetheless, during such a cycle, it is prescribed to utilize aromatase inhibitors like Proviron, Anastrozole, or others. After the utilization of cypionate is finished, Proviron ought to be supplanted with tamoxifen to reestablish the regular creation of testosterone. The utilization of antiestrogen brings about less liquid maintenance in muscle tissue and diminished gynecomastia improvement hazards.

If the length of testosterone cypionate use arrives at about a month, utilization of chorion gonadotrophic chemical is recommended at 500 IU once per week all through the cycle and fourteen days after fulfilment, starting at week 3.


At temperatures ranging from sixty-eight Fahrenheit to seventy-seven Fahrenheit, keep this drug away from heat, moisture, and light. Have all medications out of the range of youngsters.

Buy TESTEX C 200 from Home – Steroids-World


Active half-life

( 8.5 DAYS )



( 300-500MG / WEEKLY )



( YES )



( YES )



( YES )



( YES )


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