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Why Buy

A complicated natural testosterone ester is the testosterone enanthate. The steroid is frequently used to increase muscle mass in triathlons, powerlifting, and bodybuilding. The sole kind of injectable testosterone enanthate developed is an oil-based one. It is necessary to inject the fluid intramuscularly. The ester’s activity lasts for two to three weeks.

In the early 1950s, testosterone enanthate made its debut in the world of athletics. It had a delayed response and was the first oil-based steroid medication. The steroid can build up in fat deposits and release itself gradually into the blood circulation thanks to the interaction between the ester and the active component. The medication was used to treat children with growth problems and malignancies of the mammary glands.

Chemical Formula:         



This ester-based pharmacology has been in use for a very long period. Athletes’ bodies benefit from testosterone in a variety of ways. It improves the pumping action and aids in post-gym recovery. Testosterone enanthate has additional side effects, including:

    • Increased bone and joint strength;
    • An increase in strength and endurance;
    • An increase in muscle mass;
    • Stimulation of overall body tone.

The drug’s rather significant rollback effect and costly price are two of its drawbacks. However, the availability outweighs the cost. Finding several affordable medications might be quite challenging.

How to use:

Enanthate’s limited impact on the liver outweighs its length of action. Injections lessen the harmful impact. It is advised to provide injections once a week to keep the substance’s level in the body stable. The athlete’s prior usage of sports medications, along with his level of fitness and general health, decides the dose for such a reception.

A dose of 250mg per week is suitable for beginners. 500 mg or more is given to professional athletes. A sports physician should keep an eye on dosage increases to prevent unfavourable effects on the body. The course lasts for roughly 8 to 10 weeks.

Test Enanthate/CyapNandrolone Decanoate

The strong propensity of testosterone enanthate to aromatize—or turn into estrogens—is a serious issue when using it. Gynecomastia, extreme swelling, the buildup of fat in the female pattern, and other symptoms like these can occur in athletes.

Antiestrogens were once used to cure these symptoms, but today aromatase inhibitors are employed to get rid of estradiol-related negative effects. To increase testosterone production naturally, PCT should include antiestrogens like Clomid or Nolvadex. The male sex hormone is produced less when testosterone enanthate is used because it inhibits the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis’s ability to function. Because of the drug’s high androgenic activity and further masculinization, it is advised that female athletes avoid it.

Side effects:

Aromatization occurs with all Enanthate formulations. Because of this, Testosterone Enanthate usage requires extreme caution. The adverse effect is often caused by a person’s sensitivity to the drug’s ingredients or by taking more than the recommended amount. In any event, you need to speak with a competent professional before beginning the course.

The following negative consequences might manifest because of the drug’s estrogenic effect:

    • Body fluid retention;
    • Expansion of the breasts;
    • Swelling

Antiestrogens are added to the course of steroids to prevent such symptoms. They prevent aromatization from happening.

The manifestation of such effects is caused by a strong androgenic effect and an increase in testosterone levels:

    • The presence of back and facial acne
    • Baldness;
    • Oily skin;


At temperatures ranging from sixty-eight Fahrenheit to seventy-seven Fahrenheit, keep this drug away from heat, moisture, and light. Have all medications out of the range of youngsters.

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