Time Under Tension for Ab Development
Time under pressure, yes (TUT). Isn’t that something wonderful? Oh, I suppose you don’t even know what TUT is. In that case, settle in, take a large drink of kombucha, and pay attention. It’s time to gain some crucial knowledge so you can dial in your ab growth and take it to the next level you’ve been waiting for all this time.
Tension vs. High repetitions
The next time you enter the gym, pay great attention to the scene. There is a very strong chance that you will witness someone on a mat, curling their torso up and down like a dying shrimp and masking their face with anguish. Please pardon them since they are ignorant.
This method of ab training may give you a little cardio, but it will do you no favours in terms of definition and growth. Just give it a moment of thought. When you perform several repetitions like that, you are more likely to make mistakes. In other words, you wind up doing more harm than good because of your rudimentary form. Your genuine rectus abdominis only contracts for around 10 seconds throughout a set of, let’s say, 50 crunches. That just isn’t good enough, partner.
Never, ever concentrate on performing plenty of repetitions when working your abs. Tension should always be your focus. THESE are the things that result in the lovely cuts and striations you desire.

Evil vs. Good
Here’s an illustration of how you can change this mode to your advantage. Project A is the first to perform, lying on the crunch machine and quickly producing five sets of 50. Ignore the extra weight he’s got on the machine. Consider the momentum he is utilising.
He could receive a total of 50 seconds if you stick with the initial example of 10 seconds of genuine ab contraction time. Less than a minute, that is!
Immediately focus on project B. He reaches up and takes hold of a pull-up bar. He pushes his knees a little bit forward, tightens his entire core, and draws his shoulder blades down and in (packs his shoulders). He is currently in a posture known as the hollow body position.
He then carefully lowers himself to a position with his arms fully extended, pushes himself upward until his chin clears the bar, and then repeats the exercise for 6 to 8 reps. He then hops down, takes a break, and performs the workout five times in all. What did he just do, you guess? Project A requires around ten times as much ab work in a single set! Project A was purposefully working his abs, mind you!
Perfect Your Practice by Perfecting Your Practice
See where this is headed, do you not? Don’t waste your time or effort on force leaks if you want attractive, seductive abs. Those are the times when you become less tense while exercising. Keep doing the exercises that need you to maintain a tight core for lengthy periods.
Returning to the pull-up activity, it is true that it is regarded as a back builder. However, because you must squeeze forcefully and keep that contraction for the entire set, it rips your stomach. That is referred to as money on the streets!
In conclusion, be sure to incorporate several workouts into your routines that require spending a lot of time under strain in your abdomen. Throw in some Turkish get-ups, push-ups, renegade rows, side plank t-presses, and hanging pikes in addition to pull-ups.
And please, for the love of everything holy, use proper manners!
If your head is not screwed on straight, you may easily mess up anything. Always strive for 90% accuracy in all that you do. Be truthful to yourself. If you can’t do that, you should take some time to relax until you can. Your body won’t be able to tell the difference, and it will eventually appreciate it.
Go ahead and put your TUT skills to use and observe what occurs. Four weeks of instruction will leave you pleasantly pleased.