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Buy Testosterone Cypionate online 250mg




1ML X 10




Buy Testosterone Cypionate online 250mg

Buy Testosterone Cypionate online 250mg
Buy Testosterone Cypionate online 250mg



1ML X 10



Product Name

Pharma Cypex 200

Chemical Formula


Usage of Pharma Cypex 200

In men and boys, testosterone injection is used to treat problems caused by an absence of this hormone, such as delayed puberty, impotence, etc. Testosterone injection is not for use without particular medical conditions in the treatment of low testosterone or because it gets older.

For replacement treatment in the male, Pharma Cypex 200 Injecting is suggested under circumstances linked with deficiency or endogenous testosterone absence symptoms. Primary (congenital or acquired) hypogonadism – cryptorchid, bilateral torsion, orchitis, fading testis syndrome, or orchid disease – testicular failure. Hypogonadotropic deficit or pituitary-hypothalamic tumour, trauma or radiation damage (hypogonadic or acquired).


Within twenty-four hours of delivery, ester variants of testosterone, such as testosterone cypionate, cause a 400% rise in blood testosterone levels compared to the baseline. These androgen levels stay increased for 3-5 days following therapy. 3 The constant change in plasma testosterone following intramuscular delivery of testosterone cypionate causes mood and libido variations, as well as some regional inflammation.

Action mechanism

In humans and other animals, testosterone exerts its effects via two major mechanisms: stimulation of the androgen receptor and conversion to estradiol and interaction of particular oestrogen receptors. Free testosterone is transported into the cytoplasm of target body tissue by the cytoplasmic enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, where it can bind to the androgen receptor or be transformed to 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone. Because DHT binds to the same androgen receptor as testosterone, its androgenic strength is around 2.5 times that of testosterone.


Because testosterone cypionate is an esters stimulant, it has a higher degree of solubility in lipids and consequently a slower rate of release and absorption when compared to homologous compounds. 5 Intralesional injection of 200 mg testosterone cypionate resulted in a mean supratherapeutic Cmax of 1122 ng/dl 4-5 days after injection. After the fifth day, testosterone cypionate levels in plasma decreased to a mean of 400 ng/dl.


For novices, the typical testosterone cypionate dose for 12 weeks is between 400 to 500 mg. It began on Monday, Wednesday and Friday three times a week. For those who have taken testosterone cypionate, the dose may be raised by 600 mg. The only time you used less, for example, is when you stack it with other anabolic substances such as Winstrol, human growth hormone and testosterone cypionate 200mg dosage (HGH).

The infusions are to be made one time each week. Infusions might be made less continuous because of the activity season of the steroid, however, this will not keep a steady high convergence of the dynamic specialist. Suggested dose: 250-500 mg. Expanding the dose up to 800 mg will not work on the anabolic impacts, however, will bring about unfriendly responses. The week by week measurements can be isolated into 2 confirmations made on various days of the week. Cycle’s span – 5 a month and a half.

Benefits of Pharma Cypex 200

Buy Testosterone Cypionate online and get the following benefits;

Muscles: enhances protein production and strength and strength of muscle.

Body fat: blocks fat absorption, increases fat burning beta-adrenergic receptors and promotes fat storage.

Brain: enhances intellect, memory, sex desire and influences your moods.

Heart: Blood flow increases and heat output is increased.

Bone: Enhances bone formation and bone development in red blood cells and preserves bone density.

Male sex bodies: Support the generation and viability of sperms and foster the development of the penis and erectile functions.

Skin: Supports the synthesis of collagen and the creation of hair.

Testosterone Cypionate produces comparable outcomes to normal testosterone, which is the male sex chemical answerable for most of the enthusiastic and actual abilities of an individual. It causes hostility and animates muscle development, further develops sex drive and delivers a hoarser voice. The principal impacts of the steroid include:

Quick expansion in muscle development. The infusion cycle produces huge hydration of the cells, and a critical piece of the acquired bulk is brought about by water. This makes muscles look more appealing, however brings about misfortunes after the cycle is finished. The aggregated liquid record for 1/3 of the overall muscle development.

Better strength execution.

Further developed red platelets creation. The expansion in oxygen in the circulatory system permits muscle tissue to function all the more productively, along these lines expanding the perseverance of competitors. The expanded measure of red platelets additionally advances sped up recuperation after serious preparation.

Further developed sperm arrangement and sex drive.

Better phosphoric digestion.

The quantity of delivered protein regularly beats the quantity of rotting atoms, which ensures a positive nitrogen balance.

A solitary medication cycle can bring about 12 kg of bulk and a 10-15% increment in strength execution. Testosterone cypionate influences the muscle filaments and grows them. This occurs because of physiological cycles normal for this medication. The dynamic part holds the acquired muscle while smothering the activity of glucocorticoid chemicals, which produce regular strong decay.

The fundamental disadvantage of Testosterone Cypionate utilization is its inclination to aromatization – the transformation of testosterone into estrogens. At the point when a lot of estrogens is seen in a man’s body, female highlights like gynecomastia (fixing and enlarging of tissues in the areola locale), expanding because of liquid maintenance, the female example aggregation of muscle to fat ratio (in the stomach region and on the hips), diminished sexual movement and testicular decay might start to show.

 Side Effects of Testosterone Cypionate

These side effects may occur if you buy testosterone cypionate 250mg

    • Your prostate gland is enlarging. Among the symptoms are:
    • Urination is required frequently or urgently.
    • Nocturia is a condition that occurs at night.
    • Having difficulty initiating urinating.
    • A feeble urine stream or a stream that comes and goes
    • dribbling towards the conclusion of urinating

Test Cypia


If you buy drostanolone enanthate 100 mg Keep this medication away from heat, moisture, and light at temperatures ranging from 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C) Keep any medicines out of children’s reach.

Buy Testosterone Cypionate online from Home – Steroids-World


Active half-life

( 8.5 DAYS )



( 300-500MG / WEEKLY )



( YES )



( YES )



( YES )



( YES )



( YES )


Detection time in body

( 40 DAYS )

External Links

Testosterone Cypionate Cycle Guide – Steroid Cycles

Testosterone Cypionate for Bodybuilding: Increase Muscle …

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