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Anavar 10 Mg/ 100 Tab 

Oral Products 

Buy ANAVAR 10MG by Pharmaqo

Anavar 10 Mg/ 100 Tab 

Oral Products 


Why buy Anavar 10mg

It is the greatest anabolic steroid on the market and the most effective. Excellent for health and cutting – any gains from this compound are substantial and up to 85% of your gains will be retained when you quit Anavar if you follow a strong PCT regimen. Following the PCT procedure, Anavar’s 85 percent increase is retainable.

If you’re thinking about buying anabolic steroids, you might be a little nervous because there are so many options. Anavar is a fantastic option for folks who are new to utilising them. Because it works so well, it is immensely popular. It is a wonderful choice for individuals who are new to this sort of compound, but it is also a favourite among fitness enthusiasts who have tried others. They keep returning to this one, which speaks volumes about the worth it can provide.

It is popular since its adverse effects are substantially less severe than those of several other anabolic steroids. It is understandable that in your search for results, you would want to have a few problems with probable side effects as possible.

Buy ANAVAR 10MG by Pharmaqo

Women tend to face greater negative effects from steroid use than men due to changes in body chemistry. The usage of Anavar can assist somebody in gaining significant muscular mass. At the same time, it can aid in the burning of body fat. It’s a huge plus to be able to have extra energy and endurance along the journey. Its usage causes the body to produce more testosterone than it’ll ordinarily. This is where the additional energy is generated. 

Chemical Formula:


History of Anavar:

Oxandrolone is an anabolic and androgenic synthetic hormone. Oxandrolone is an anabolic steroid that is specified as an additional therapy to promote weight gain after weight loss in the course of operations, prolonged infections or trauma, and in certain patients who fail to gain or keep their weight normal due to inadequate pathophysiology and to bone relief.

Anavar was first delivered in the U.S. in 1964 and had acquired ubiquity until 1986 when it was seriously diminished underway. The medication is currently accessible under the name of Oxandrolone.

Since it was first produced for ladies and kids with osteoporosis and impeded turn of events, it is known to be a protected medicine. The medication was likewise used to treat HIV, Turner disorder, paleness and consumption. Anavar then, at that point, turned out to be important for the field of sports medication after an exhaustive examination of its useful consequences for people. The medication creates NO masculinization and its secondary effects are very uncommon, so it has acquired ubiquity among competitors, especially those engaged with powerlifting and lifting weights.

Indication of Anavar:

Oxandrolone supports weight growth in significant surgery following weight reduction. Oxandrolone is also utilized to reduce steroidal muscle loss.

Mechanism of action of Anavar:

Anavar acts in objective tissues in conjunction with androgen receptors. It works by boosting the body’s amount of protein. This protein is utilized to build additional body weight and muscle. As Anavar’s main function is to help you metabolize calories quickly without losing any lean muscle mass, cutting is the optimal time to utilise it. Additionally, it significantly enhances athletic performance.

How to use Anavar:

Anavar is available as a tablet. It takes 2 to 4 times a day on average. Keep a record of your prescription label instructions and ask your pharmacist or doctor to explain anything you don’t understand. You shall take oxandrolone as directed. Do not increase or utilize the dosage longer than advised.

The fundamental benefit of the drug is that it doesn’t aromatize even at high dosages, just as the way that after the cycle, the muscles don’t have a “swelled” appearance.


Competitors report the accompanying impacts after utilizing Anavar:

    • Intense and fit muscle development.
    • Worked on actual execution.
    • Brought down hunger.
    • Creation of somatropin.
    • Reestablished pulse.
    • Reinforced bone tissue.

Other constructive outcomes incorporate the way that the activity of the medication just keeps going as long as 12 hours. The medication doesn’t hold abundant liquid, bringing about better development of bulk. Anavar is regularly utilized for the most ideal impacts with hepatoprotection.

Blend cycles.

Competitors with gynecomastia and blood vessel hypertension can utilize the medication. In such cases, Anavar works out in a good way for Deca, especially when competitors have individual bigotries or issues when utilizing Anapolon, Dianabol or testosterone.After an Anavar cycle, it is ideal to utilize Clomid or Novo-pharm Nolvadex for PCT. For more than about fourteen days, every one of these medications ought to be utilized. The two drugs can assist with reestablishing the competitor’s endocrine profile and delivering regular testosterone.


Side effects of Anavar:

Oxandrolone may cause sleep difficulties, breast enlargement, atypical menstrual cycles, sexual ability changes, and penile erections, which happen too often.

Oxandrolone seldom causes unfavourable responses, yet testosterone creation is antagonistically impacted assuming the day by day dose surpasses 80 milligrams and the cycle keeps going longer than 12 weeks, prompting feeble penile erection, decreased drive, and testicular decay. Stomach agony may appear just as gastrointestinal obstructions with extreme cerebral pains. These aftereffects are most frequently created by individual bigotry to the dynamic part and just manifest in disengaged cases.


Do not take oxandrolone if you have the following medical problems;

    • High calcareous levels of the blood
    • Breast cancer
    • Pregnant
    • Prostate cancer
    • Renewal illness


Keep this medication away from heat, moisture, and light at temperatures ranging from 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C). Keep all drugs out of the reach of youngsters. Throw away any unused medicine beyond the expiration date. Do not flush or pour unused medications down the sink or drain.

Buy ANAVAR 10MG from Home – Steroids-World.


Active half-life

( 8.5 DAYS )



( 300-500MG / WEEKLY )



( YES )



( YES )



( YES )



( YES )



( YES )


Detection time in body

( 40 DAYS )

Buy ANAVAR 10MG from Home – Steroids-World.


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