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Buy Multi Ester Test 400MG/MI by Pharmaqo Labs

PHARMAQO Multi Ester Test 400MG

Supersus 400 Mg/ MlĀ 


Green LabelĀ 

Testosteorone Acetate 20 Mg/ml
Testosteorne Propionate 30 Mg/ml
Testosteorne PhenylPropionate 30 Mg/ml
Testosterone Cypionate 120 Mg/ml
Testosterone Decanoate 200 Mg/ml

Buy Multi Ester Test 400MG/MI by Pharmaqo Labs

Buy Sustanon 400MG/MI


Testosteorone Acetate 20 Mg/ml
Testosteorne Propionate 30 Mg/ml
Testosteorne PhenylPropionate 30 Mg/ml
Testosterone Cypionate 120 Mg/ml
Testosterone Decanoate 200 Mg/ml


Chemical Formula:

Testosterone acetateĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  C21H30O3

Testosterone propionateĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā C22H32O3
Testosterone PhenylpropionateĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  C28H36O3
Testosterone CypionateĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  C27H40O3

Testosterone decanoateĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  C29H46O3

Indication of SUPERSUS:

Testosterone acetate

As a therapeutic treatment, testosterone, a steroid hormone, has gigantic benefits for men and women. The benefits of testosterone enanthate. It is best to select a compound like testosterone as you start with a cycle. Tren acidic corrosive induction kicks in the interior the primary week, not similar to the enanthate sort of. It in addition a favorite among competitors for its recovering and recovery benefits. It may be a idealized testosterone booster able of activating the common era of testosterone and the building of muscles

Testosterone propionate:

Testosterone propionate is commonly utilized to extend muscle mass. The beginning therapeutic sign was for the treatment of androgen shortage in hypogonadism or andropause in male grown-ups. To actuate the greatest development in yearlings, testosterone propionate is presently suggested. It is a solitary ester compound. Likewise, It is utilized for controlled arrival of chemicals and to keep the blood levels stable. It is exceptionally utilized in the athletic business for the improvement of athletic execution.

Testosterone Phenylpropionate:

Testosterone phenylpropionate could be a steroid utilized within the treatment of disinfection, testicular decay, hypopituitarism, and osteoporosis. Testosterone propionate is utilized essentially in androgen substitution treatment. It is specially certified for the treatment of hypogonadism in men, breast cancer, moo sexual need, put off youth in boys, and menopausal signs.

The major time that testosterone propionate is used is during a cutting cycle. It does, however, function effectively during bulking cycles. Realizing its full potential can cause you to reconsider how you’ll do that in the upcoming to meet your needs. The hormone testosterone won’t start acting till the ester is released.

Testosterone cypionate:

Testosterone cypionate is utilized to treat side effects in men who have a shortfall or need of endogenous testosterone. Essential hypogonadism, characterized as testicular premature delivery due to cryptorchidism, respective torsion, or orchidectomy. Testosterone cypionate is utilized to treat signs of hypogonadism in folks. In this condition, folks donā€™t provide adequate sex hormone testosterone. Moo testosterone levels in folks can lead to mien changes, dejected concentration, erectile brokenness (burden getting or keeping an erection), and moo sex drive.

Testosterone decanoate:

Testosterone decanoate could be a steroid utilized to treat disinfection, lost gonads, hypopituitarism, and osteoporosis with testosterone substitution treatment. It makes a difference in the body to create and keep up male sexual characteristics (manliness), such as a profound voice and body hair. It too makes a difference to preserve muscle and avoid bone misfortune, and is required for common sexual ability/desire

How to use SUPERSUS:

This sedate is infused into the deltoid muscle as coordinated by the specialist each one to four weeks. donā€™t infuse this medicate into a vein. The dose is set up on your wellbeing state, testosterone blood levels, and reaction to treatment.


Improves execution

Testosterone propionate is a presentation improving medication. It saves bulk as well as constructs more muscle tissue. This builds strength. The item prompts an increment in the red platelet count. RBCs are the transporters of oxygen. An increment in oxygenation prompts more noteworthy muscle strength, perseverance, and fix of harmed tissue.

Assembles protein

The item likewise has protein building properties, which lead to a more readily fix and union of many body tissues. Since protein is the structure square of body tissues. The item additionally has nitrogen maintenance properties. Nitrogen develops an anabolic climate. All lean tissues contain around 16% of nitrogen. Low degrees of nitrogen can be disastrous to bulk.

Decreases pressure

Testosterone propionate additionally decreases pressure chemicals like cortisol. After a specific level, stress chemicals can be disastrous and lead to muscle harm. Stress chemicals additionally advance fat structure chemicals and structure a catabolic climate. Be that as it may, the item can save you from this difficulty.

This is an exhibition upgrading drug since significant degrees of testosterone lead to an increment in fit bulk and strength. The item gives testosterone, which goes about as a muscle protectant and saves the body from loss of muscle tissue.

Increases Appetite

An athlete has to eat often when in a bulking cycle. They must consume a lot more calories than they typically would. All of their meals must be properly planned, though. They need to be able to utilise the food they eat as the fuel for their workouts. Nothing will be eaten and stored as fat is what they want to eat.

Trenbolone Acetate usage increases hunger, which might assist a person in achieving their goals. If you don’t feel hungry at all, it might be challenging to ingest all those additional calories. However, if you don’t have enough nutrition to go through the challenging workouts, you won’t be able to continue. It’s easier to make sure you eat everything throughout the day if you stimulate your appetite.


The dose of Testosterone propionate changes relying upon the motivation behind using it. In any case, much of the time, the measurements are low because of their complicated ester structure (when contrasted with different items).

In uncommon cases, where it is endorsed for the Testosterone substitution hypothesis, a measurement of 25-50mg 2-3 times each week is prescribed. When recommended as a presentation drug, the dose fluctuates from 100 mg to 300mg each week. Typically, they range from 150-200mg. The ideal opportunity for its utilization differs with each individual and its motivation. Yet, we think about 8 weeks of utilization is a short measure of time. 12 weeks is viewed as typical, and for unreasonable strength, certain individuals may even involve it for quite a long time.

TrenboloneTrenbolone A

Side effects of SUPERSUS:

If you buy sustanon without a doctor’s advice then you don’t know you will have side effects or not.

This may cause the following effects;

    • Headaches
    • Nausea
    • Dizziness
    • Mood changes
    • Hair growth


If you buy sustanon then Keep this medication away from heat, moisture, and light at temperatures ranging from 68Ā°F to 77Ā°F (20Ā°C to 25Ā°C Keep any medicines out of children’s reach.

Buy Sustanon 400MG/MI from Home – Steroids-World.


Active half-life

( 14Ā DAYS )



( 400-600MG / WEEKLY )



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