Test-Mast-Tren Formula 400
API: | |
Trenbolone Enanthate | 100 Mg/ml |
Drostanolone Enanthate | 100 Mg/ml |
Testosterone Enanthate | 200 Mg/ml |
Chemical Formula of SUPERBOLAN 400:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Trenbolone Enanthate             C25H34O3
Testosterone Enanthate           C26H40O3
Synthesized for the athlete looking for a mixture of the three most notable chemicals that, when coupled, contribute in the enhancement of endurance and lean muscle. Superbolan, when combined with a proper diet and workout regimen, will assist you in achieving your body objectives. Testosterone Enanthate provides height and strength, as well as everything else a steroid user may want, such as a sense of well-being, excitement and ambition, rapid weight gain, and enhanced libido. Testosterone Enanthate is the most commonly
prescribed testosterone by both sportsmen and bodybuilders. It is incredibly good for increasing strength and power, as well as decreasing weight, and it is inexpensive and easily accessible. You may achieve your physical objectives by using Superbolan in conjunction with a disciplined diet and exercise routine. Fewer injections are needed each week to maintain high levels of synthetic testosterone thanks to its long esters.

Indication of SUPERBOLAN:
Trenbolone Enanthate
Superbolan 400 is endorsed to guys who don’t create sufficient of a characteristic hormone known as testosterone. In guys, testosterone is dependable for an assortment of ordinary forms, counting genital, muscle, and bone development and advancement. It also helps with the improvement of typical sexual improvement (adolescence) in boys. It works by impacting various physiological frameworks, permitting the living being to create and work suitably. Trenbolone, moreover known as trenbolone or trenbolone, maybe a steroid that’s commonly utilized on animals to invigorate solid development and craving.
Trenbolone Enanthate is viewed as a safe anabolic and androgenic medication. The intensity of the dynamic part is brought about by high anabolic and androgenic movement, yet at typical measurements, antagonistic side responses are essentially nonexistent. Apoxar Trenbolone Enanthate doesn’t deliver androgenic changes in the body and doesn’t cause such secondary effects as skin break out, going bald or inordinate body hair development, and amplification of the prostate.
This steroid is most importantly an extraordinary medication for muscle gain and cutting. Trenbolone’s capacity of restricting to androgen receptors is multiple times more prominent than that of the essential male sex chemical. Enanthate produces an assortment of results:
- expansion in bulk by 10 kg for every performance cycle enduring a month and a half;
- further developed strength abilities and perseverance by 30% of the underlying presentation;
- IGF increment up to 200% of the underlying worth;
- decreased subcutaneous fat stores;
- decreased cortisol (the pressuring chemical) fixation;
- expanded sexual life and charisma (a few competitors might encounter a straightforwardly inverse impact).
Trenbolone Enanthate produces extraordinary outcomes concerning bulk development, further developed strength execution, sped up protein combination, diminished fat stores, held follow supplements to animate the creation of protein (sulfur, phosphorus or the fundamental for reinforcing bone tissue calcium).
Drostanolone Enanthate:
Drostanolone Enanthate in addition one of the first flexible steroids, since it may be utilized for both cutting and bulking. One of the essential laws of weight preparation is to endeavor to shed as much body fat as conceivable whereas keeping up the muscle mass you’ve picked up. One of the issues with eating less is basically misplaced both fat and muscle.
Masteron Enanthate is utilized during cutting cycles. It brings down estrogen levels, triggers lipolysis, expands strength, perseverance and limits the recuperation timing.
Definition and Muscle Tissue HardnessGeniuses and cutthroat jocks frequently remember Expert E for their prep cycles. Masteron E will be presented in the last piece of the cycle (week 6-8) when the muscle versus fat list is at the most minimal conceivable level. When Masteron E kicks in, it will prompt a superior definition and solidify the look.
Huge Strength Increment:Drostanolone enanthate is additionally utilized by competitors and muscle heads searching for a critical strength increment without a significant weight increment or water maintenance.
Against estrogen:Kindly note that Drostanolone enanthate is not a decent decision for building cycles. Notwithstanding, a few competitors are utilizing Masteron E during their building cycles as a result of its capacity to impede estrogen and increment strength.
Testosterone Enanthate:
In guys, testosterone enanthate is endorsed as a substitution treatment for maladies connected with a shortfall or need of endogenous testosterone. Within the nearness of cancer in ladies matured one to five a long time postmenopausal, testosterone enanthate is prescribed as a second-line treatment. The half-life of Testosterone enanthate is within the run of seven to nine days.
How to use SUPERBOLAN:
Each one to four weeks, it is imbued intramuscularly into the buttocks. Lower measurements are routinely endorsed at the shorter inside to constrain changing hormone levels. The energetic pharmaceutical, which is suspended in sesame oil, includes a two to three-week nonstop release length.
The man bodybuilder physique Testosterone Enanthate dose would normally be 500-1250 mg per week, with a cycle duration ranging from 10 to 18 weeks, based on the athlete’s objectives. Doses of 50-100 mg per week usually produce satisfactory outcomes in women.
Side effects of SUPERBOLAN:
This may cause the following effects;
- Headaches
- Oily skin and acne
- Thinning hair
- Dizziness
- Depression
- Mood changes
Drinking plenty of water while taking Trenbolone is crucial. This will lessen the chance of being dehydrated. Because of the body’s increased metabolism, the danger is significant. Make sure you drink enough water all day long. When your body becomes used to this drug, a side effect that could occur is dry mouth.
When you inject this steroid into your muscles, coughing is to be expected. The vein was pierced, and this is what happened. It doesn’t imply that you are injecting it incorrectly or that you should switch to a different kind of needle. There should be little coughing, and it shouldn’t last for more than only a few seconds.
Storage:Â Â
Keep this medication away from heat, moisture, and light at temperatures ranging from 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C) Keep any medicines out of children’s reach.
Buy SUPERBOLAN 400 MG/MI from Home – Steroids-World
Active half-life
( 14 DAYS )
( 400-600MG / WEEKLY )
( YES )
( YESÂ )
( YES )
( YES )
( YES)
Detection time in the body
Buy SUPERBOLAN 400 MG/MI from Home – Steroids-World
External Links
Thread: Superbolan – Bodybuilding.com Forums
Trenbolone 400 mg, sustanon and trenbolone cycle dosage