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120 Tablets 

Why Buy XXX 40mg

It is the most effective oral steroid in the bodybuilding world because of its strong combination of three ingredients. Ideal for adding extra weight and pounds of lean muscle mass to all of your routines.

Chemical Formula:     

Dianabol                10mg
Winstrol                 10mg
Anapalon               10mg
Anabolic Booster   10mg



Dianabol is a fantastic “jump start” to any cycle because of its quick effects on the body. Bodybuilders will use this medication at the start of a cycle so they can notice effects right away while they wait for the slower esters in the injectable anabolics to start working. Users of Dianabol frequently report considerable increases in muscle growth and strength. Dianabol is renowned for giving the muscles a powerful “pump” during exercises. This is primarily because it significantly boosts protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in muscle cells.

One of the most potent oral anabolics accessible to bodybuilders is Dianabol. It is significant to note that some Dianabol users have estrogen-related side effects, such as bloat and even “gyno”. As a result, while using this steroid, bodybuilders may want to utilise an oestrogen inhibitor like Anastrozole or Tamoxifen.


One of the most widely used steroids nowadays is stanozolol, as it is most often known. Stanozolol has extremely high anabolic and very low androgenic characteristics. Winstrol cannot aromatize, thus there won’t be any water retention as a result. Because of this, this steroid is highly well-liked by bodybuilders who are in their cutting phase of training.


Oxymetholone is an excellent medicine for encouraging significant increases in strength and size. This steroid is very anabolic and will encourage an increase in appetite and red blood cell count. The steroid was first intended as a type of therapy for those with illnesses like HIV that cause the body to waste away.

Many bodybuilders believe that Oxymetholone is the most potent oral available for just bulk growth. It’s crucial to remember that part of this heft will result from water retention brought on by the steroid. Even though oxymetholone is produced from DHT and hence cannot directly convert to oestrogen, it is nonetheless well-recognised for having various estrogenic-related adverse effects. It’s been suggested by some that oxymetholone somehow sends the body’s oestrogen receptors into overdrive. Stronger anti-estrogens like Letrozole and Exemestane, which have been demonstrated to significantly lower the body’s oestrogen levels, can both be highly successful in minimising these adverse effects when using Oxymetholone.

Bodybuilders often start noticing the benefits of oxymetholone at the end of the first week because it is a quick-acting steroid. It’s vital to remember that Oxymetholone can be harmful to the liver when misused. Bodybuilders are advised to limit their use of this steroid to short cycles, ideally 6 weeks or fewer, and to dosages of 100 mg or less each day.

Anabolic Booster 10mg

To maintain blood levels as consistent as possible, the Testosterone Propionate ester needs to be injected more frequently, such as every day or every other day, because it acts much more quickly (2–3 days) than Enathate or Cypionate. However, this has the advantage of allowing the steroid to leave the body considerably more rapidly once use ends, making it a better option for tested athletes. Anabolic booster, according to some bodybuilders, seems to cause much less estrogen-related adverse effects, such as bloating, than do the other esters of this potent hormone.


    • Growing muscle growth via increasing the body’s synthesis of protein
    • Reducing your body’s total fat percentage
    • Increasing muscular endurance and strength
    • Improving the density of your bones
    • Increased synthesis of red blood cells
    • Enhance performance in sports involving strength, such
    • Increasing muscle bulk by “stacking” steroids with additional drugs like growth hormones and insulin
    • Keeping muscular mass when suffering from a sickness like cancer or liver disease that causes your muscles to deteriorate

How to use:

Use XXX 40mg as per the doctor’s advice.

Side effects:

This may cause the following effects.

    • Increasing the risk of heart attacks and heart illness
    • Causing you to behave impulsively and aggressively
    • Worsening your perception of your body
    • Causing liver damage
    • Resulting in a lack of hormone balance that, especially if you stop using steroids, causes fat tissue to accumulate in your breasts.
    • Lowering the amount of natural testosterone your body produces when it quits generates as much as your body becomes accustomed to the additional dose from steroids.
    • Lowering the likelihood of having children
    • Bringing on or hastening the onset of male pattern baldness


At temperatures ranging from sixty-eight Fahrenheit to seventy-seven Fahrenheit, keep this drug away from heat, moisture, and light. Have all medications out of the range of youngsters.

Buy ROHM LABS XXX 40gm from Home – Steroids-World





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